Mark Akin

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Co-Owner of Envision Memphis & Downtown Yoga, Lead Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Coordinator at Envision Memphis - fitness has been engrained in Mark’s DNA since childhood. From soccer to competitive kick-boxer, from self defense coach to personal trainer, Mark’s passion rests in one fact - everyone can rise to their full potential.

Book a Private 1-on-1 or Small Group SEssion for yourself, your friends, family or co-workers with the button link.

Mark is currently available for both in-person and virtual coaching.

Mark’s Upcoming Classes, Teaching live from Memphis

All times below are Central Time Zone :) To filter by IN-STUDIO, OUTDOOR or VIRTUAL Room or Class, simply click the Filter Icon on the upper right, next to My Account.

Our method of Virtual Classes, Training and Private Classes connects individuals - you can see, talk and practice together - whether you each live cross country, state or across the globe from each other. Invite friends and family from around the world - get fit, have fun and connect - ALL within the comfort of your own home!! We also understand that privacy is important so having your video and audio ON is optional during virtual class :)